
This page is for LAUSD parents and guardians to tell their story about the importance of public education. To guide your story, consider answering the below questions with lots of detail, including years or decades, examples, and ideas.

  1. Your name(s) as you want it to appear on the site.
  2. Please provide a list of all LAUSD schools your children attended and when.
  3. What (and when) were your most memorable experiences from your children’s public education? What did their education mean for you and your family? Were there challenging moments and, if so, why?
  4. What did the LAUSD contribute to your neighborhood(s) and the city? To California and the nation?
  5. What is the role of public education in our city and nation? Why do you think this?
  6. Other thoughts?

You can submit your responses by filling in a submission form or uploading a Microsoft Word or Google Docs file here. After you submit your story, we will create a post based on your responses. We may edit your submission for clarity and to protect the privacy of individuals mentioned in your stories. If we have questions, we will email you to clarify your responses. You can also submit a photo of yourself if you like.

Parents are arranged by last name. Click on the below letters to find parents.